Top tips for building personal resilience at work
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) refresher
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) in practice
Suicide First Aid
Suicide First Aid Lite
Personal resilience training
Resilience training for managers
Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace
Supporting customers with poor mental health
Wellbeing Champion
Mental Health and Wellbeing Champion
Disability and health workshop for managers
Autism awareness
Dyslexia awareness
Neurodiversity awareness
Disability Champion
Long Covid at work guidance for managers
Menopause at work
Driver health
Disability and health workshop for employment services
Understanding supported employment - for employment services
Training in systematic instruction - for employment services
Securing and sustaining employment - for employment services
Job finding and effective employer engagement - for employment services
Profiling and action planning - for employment services
Good practice in employment support
With our pay-as-you-go services, you’ll benefit from a range of specialist workforce and occupational health services – which you can buy online, as and when you need them.
Our seamless, transactional route is convenient, fast and a lifeline to many businesses. Our most common pay-as-you-go purchases relate to more complex issues such as musculoskeletal problems and mental health.
Our training courses equip businesses to be mental health prepared, by upskilling employees at all levels in how to recognise and deal with ill health.