Creating a holistic mental health and wellbeing programme for your workforce
We are one of the largest workforce and occupational health providers in the country - providing exceptional, specialist support to organisations of all sizes.
You’ll benefit from having a dedicated team, to provide holistic support for total workforce health, all year round.
We put you and your business at the heart of all our activity. This includes designing and embedding core processes and services to keep your people healthy, fit and safe at work.
Once a service is embedded, our Account Directors work closely with you to review and continually improve provision, so it delivers in line with your business objectives and budget.
With our pay-as-you-go option, you’ll benefit from a range of specialist workforce and occupational health services, which you can buy online as and when you need them.
Our seamless transactional route is convenient, fast and a lifeline to many businesses. A typical pay-as-you-go purchase might be from an SME with employees on long-term sick leave due to complex musculoskeletal or mental health issues.
Our training courses equip businesses to be mental-health prepared, upskilling employees at all levels in how to recognise and deal with mental ill health.
Use our NEW Workforce Health Calculator to realise the monetary and other benefits in looking after the health of your employees.
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