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Mental health training

A bespoke range of mental health training programmes for HR professionals, managers and employees to improve awareness and knowledge of mental ill health and support personal and team resilience.

We design and develop bespoke training programmes around a range of health, inclusion and wellbeing-related themes. 

This includes successful and high-impact programmes to drive better understanding and awareness of mental health at work, and to build organisational resilience to reduce the impact of mental ill health. 

Workshops can be delivered in a range of formats for different audiences, both in person and online. 

Our mental health training programmes are aimed at developing awareness to build an open attitude and culture towards mental health in the workplace.

They both build participants’ confidence and equip them with the tools to more effectively approach, support and manage mental wellbeing in the workplace. 

Our resilience programmes help managers and employees better cope with adversity and continue to perform when faced with organisational change or personal life stresses. 

Workshops for employees provide a safe and open facilitated environment to discuss personal resilience and share stories, before allowing participants to create their individual personal resilience plans. 

Managers are supported to reflect on their own resilience and management style, and create action plans to bring their learning back into the workplace.

The course introduces a range of tools, strategies and techniques which managers can use in their day-to-day conversations with their teams. 

Courses can be tailored around specific organisational needs and contexts and delivered in a variety of formats. 

We also have a selection of training programmes to purchase online.