Products and Services

Management referrals and medical
Our occupational health referrals ensure that – as an employer – you have an independent clinical assessment of an employee’s fitness to work, the impact of work on their health, and any implications under The Equality Act 2010.
We recommend that HR or line managers should refer employees for an occupational health assessment as soon as a health condition starts impacting their work.
That could be on the first day of absence for a mental health or musculoskeletal condition, or after a series of repeated short-term absences for other health concerns.
Unlike a GP, occupational health clinicians provide independent advice to an individual’s employer about the impact of an individual’s health on their work - and of their work on their health.
We will advise on any adjustments which could support an individual to stay in work, on the long-term prognosis, and on any legal implications if a health condition could be considered a disability.
Our management referral process is designed to be easy and simple to use, with a fast turnaround - ensuring the employee is assessed by the right clinician the first time. It takes a few minutes for HR or managers to refer an employee, with their consent, and the next available appointment is booked automatically.
Consultations take place by telephone or video, unless a face-to-face consultation is necessary.
We employ 280 Occupational Physicians and Occupational Health Advisors across the UK - ensuring ready availability of skilled clinicians to provide clear and concise advice reports.