Employee therapy service


Support employees who are facing stress, trauma or other mental health challenges by giving them access to our experienced therapists and clinical psychologists

You’ll benefit from quicker returns to work and having access to a clear action plan, which in turn will reduce absence costs.

Talking therapies can help people to take greater control of their lives and improve their confidence. Mind.

What is the employee therapy service?

Returning to work after a period of absence for mental ill-health can bring mixed feelings, as can trying to be productive at work whilst dealing with mental ill-health.

We’ve developed a service that provides your employees with rapid access to remote treatment from a trained therapist or clinical psychologist.

Recent studies have shown talking therapy can be just as effective as pharmaceutical alternatives and we’ll provide your employee with the opportunity to work through their problems in a non-judgemental environment.

Your employee is much more likely to stay in work and be productive after talking therapy. Sickness leave is also likely to be reduced. Our services are robust, clinically governed and evidence based.

Business benefits

An estimated 17.9 million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2019/20, with unwell employees taking an average 21.6 days off work. (Labour Force Survey, HSE, 2020).

For every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions they’ll get £5 back in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover. Deloitte, 2020

  • Be an employer of choice and improve employee engagement - Attracting and retaining top talent is vital for success. Set yourself apart from competitors and demonstrate how you value your employees. A healthier workplace increases employee morale and keeps staff more engaged, loyal and committed to contributing meaningful work.
  • Support managers and staff with swift action - Waiting times for traditional routes for therapy can be frustrating for both managers and employees – and carry the risk of further deterioration, which could be avoided by early intervention. The longer the waiting times for their employee to see a therapist, the bigger the negative impact to the business.
  • A cost-effective way to provide staff with professional mental health support
  • A quick and convenient alternative to staff waiting for statutory mental health services
  • An additional specialist service, beyond the provision from a typical employee assistance programme (EAP).

Employee benefits

  • Greater control and improved confidence - Our clinical therapists provide a non-judgemental space for employees to explore their challenges openly. Employees are supported to identify unhelpful behaviours and patterns, understand their origins, and the steps they can take to make a positive change.
  • Rapid access - The referral process is simple. Your employees will be fast-tracked into receiving therapeutic intervention with our in-house team.
  • Clear treatment plan - Each employee will receive a clear treatment plan following their initial assessment, telling them what to expect and when.
  • Confidential service - The employee therapy service is completely confidential, however participants can choose to share their final summary with their employers or GP

A typical customer journey

Employees will undergo an initial remote assessment with a therapist or clinical psychologist. Following this assessment, they will receive a treatment plan - which can be shared with the referring manager to authorise.

To ensure confidentiality and effective use of the service, the extent of information shared with the manager throughout this process is agreed with each employee.

Your employee will take part in six therapy sessions. After three sessions we can update the referring manager, to confirm the employee is engaged with the process.

After the last therapy session, we’ll conduct a final assessment. We’ll also send a report to the referring manager, confirming the employee’s completion of the therapy – along with any recommended next steps.

Referral pathways

There are two potential referral pathways:

  1. One is for managed referrals, where a line manager or an occupational health physician can make a professional referral.
  2. The second pathway is self-referral, where employees can self-refer to our service - and we continue accepting referrals until the quota set by the employer is reached