
Manufacturing is a diverse sector, where employees will be working in different occupational environments and exposed to a variety of risks.

We support workforces across the UK within all manufacturing sectors, and work closely with each client’s health and safety team to get a full understanding of the organisational risk assessment across job roles and work environments.

This means our health surveillance programmes are mapped to each individual organisational risk assessment, to ensure the efficient monitoring of employees’ health and safety. 

We provide both on-site services and a remote model supported by our fleet of health surveillance mobile health units.

We are experienced in managing first generation outsourcers, and of reviewing and revising legacy arrangements – including patchworks of local occupational health provision for clients with multiple sites.

We work with clients to ensure a consolidated and streamlined model, which avoids both under-surveillance and over-surveillance – and delivers all requirements in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 

Examples of our delivery includes:

  • Health surveillance for “baker’s asthma” and enzyme sensitization in the food manufacturing industry
  • Food hygiene medical assessments for employees handling food in the manufacturing process
  • Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome health surveillance (Tier 1 to 4) within advanced manufacturing
  • Safety-critical medicals for employees using dangerous plant or machinery
  • Health surveillance for employees subject to complex chemical or physical exposure, such as ionising radiation or respiratory sensitising agents


We also provide rehabilitation and treatment pathways aligned to our occupational health services, including physiotherapy and psychological therapies.