Supporting excellence in Occupational Health: SOM Awards 2021
We were delighted to attend this year’s SOM Occupational Health Awards as sponsors of the Outstanding Occupational Health Practitioner category.
The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) is the UK organisation for all healthcare professionals working in or with an interest in occupational health. Its annual awards event, held earlier this month at the Royal College of Physicians, highlights the value of occupational health to organisations and the wider community, recognising innovation, collaboration and verifiable outcomes.
This year’s SOM awards came at the end of another challenging year - in which the need for clinical expertise and wellbeing support continues to be front of mind for many UK businesses. At Health Management, we strive to meet this need, and to make a difference to the lives of our diverse range of clients. We do this by ensuring that clinical excellence is at the heart of our business and the services we deliver - to keep 2.25 million employees safe, fit and healthy at work.
Margaret McNab, Managing Director, Health Management, presented the award to Dr Nurlan Baimenshin for his leadership in protecting the health of workers at one of the world’s most complex Oil & Gas projects during the pandemic.
Speaking about the awards, Margaret McNab said;
“We believe that the excellent work of Occupational Health practitioners should be recognised and rewarded - and supporting SOM with this sponsorship is our way of celebrating the work of highly skilled practitioners, both within our business and beyond.
“We are committed to attracting and retaining high-quality staff, and with this in mind we are relaunching our clinical staff CPD, and improving our support for OH practitioners’ studies, with the aim of ensuring that Health Management is not only a great place to work - but a place to thrive and build a great career”.
Dr Syed Ahmed pictured collecting the award from Margaret McNab on behalf of Dr Nurlan Baimenshin.