10 tips to quit smoking

Improve your chance of success

Everybody has their own personal reason for wanting to give up smoking. Some people quit to be healthier, some to get fit, some to save money, and some for their families.

Whatever your reason, stopping smoking isn't easy, but there are things you can do this Stoptober to improve your chances of success. Take a look at these top tips:

  1. Pick a quit date – choose a day that will be stress-free, then stick to it.
  2. Make a list – write down all the reasons you want to quit. Keep the list handy and read it when the cravings start.
  3. Support network – pair up with someone else who’s looking to give up smoking and support one other, or tell your friends and work colleagues you are trying to stop.
  4. Be prepared – before your quit date, get rid of ashtrays, lighters and matches, and any remaining cigarettes.
  5. Stop smoking services – contact your local Stop Smoking Service for support from trained specialists.
  6. Nicotine replacement therapy – consider using nicotine replacement therapy, which can more than double your chances of stopping smoking.
  7. Online support – there’s plenty of help available online where you’ll find tips from other quitters in the same situation as you. As an example, go to NHS Smoke Free.
  8. Avoid trigger situations – plan ahead to anticipate stressful or trigger situations. If you smoke after a meal, go for a short walk instead.
  9. Practise saying “no” – don’t be tempted by just one cigarette; it often leads to another.
  10. Treat yourself – put away some, or all, of the money you would have spent on cigarettes and buy a well-deserved treat.


Take it one day at a time and congratulate yourself every day you go without smoking. Finally, think positive. Tell yourself – you CAN stop smoking.