What should you expect from your video occupational health assessment?
Your video consultation:
This consultation doesn’t replace any care you’re already receiving from your doctor or specialist, your medical care will be the responsibility of your own GP or Specialist. We may, with your consent, co-ordinate with your GP to ensure continuity of care, but it doesn’t replace their care.
You will receive details of your occupational health referral from your Manager or HR department. This will include the reason for the consultation and details about the confidentiality of your information and your rights.
The consultation takes about 30 minutes, sometimes a little longer if the issues are complex. You will receive your appointment details via email and text message, where we will confirm the date, time and name of the Doctor. We will also update your referring manager.
For your consultation, make sure you are in a quiet room where you can talk privately and confidentially. You can access the consultation using the link we’ve provided.
We will confirm your identity and ask for your verbal consent to carry out the video consultation – without this consent we won’t be able to continue. At the end of the consultation we will ask for your consent to release a medical report to your employer.
If there are any aspects of the consultation you are not happy with, please inform your manager or HR department immediately. We will use this information to:
- improve the quality of the services we provide
- train and provide our employees with feedback
- resolve any complaints or concerns that may arise
If you miss an appointment, your employer will be informed, and they will be charged.
To make the video assessment as effective as possible we would recommend you have the following information available if relevant:
- Details of any current medication, prescribed by your doctor or specialist
- Details of any current health monitoring activities, such as glucose levels for diabetics, peak flow diaries for asthmatics or mood diaries for psychological disorders
- Names of any specialists whose care you are under, and details of any forthcoming outpatient appointments or operation dates
- Details of recent medical reports of investigations, such as blood tests, X rays or scans, including any abnormalities (you may wish to ask your GP about this).
- Details of how long your current Fit certificate runs.
After your consultation:
We will make the report available to your Manager, HR department, or named referrer. This will answer any questions raised in their referral request, and usually include a brief description of any health matters, recommendations and adjustments to your role.
If you want to receive a copy of the management report, before or at the same time as your employer, please let the Doctor know.