How to use the Meddbase platform
If your employer uses our Primary Care services, you’ll have access to our dedicated team of GPs as and when you need them.
Each appointment lasts 15 minutes and typically takes place within 48 hours of request.
With our Primary Care services, you’ll also have access to health screening:
‘Well-person’ screening (45 minutes)
This includes a comprehensive health and lifestyle assessment, thorough examination, full blood profile, and psychological well-being assessment.
There is also a smear test and option of a mammogram for women, a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test for men over 45, and cardiovascular risk assessment for patients over 40.
‘Premier’ screening (75–90 minutes)
All elements of the ‘Well-person’ screening, plus a pre-diabetes check and bowel cancer screening test for the over 45s. Also includes detailed blood tests to screen for ovarian cancer and vitamin D deficiency, as well as tests for vision, hearing, and lung function.
Our face-to-face GP and health screening appointments are delivered at our central London clinic at New Broad Street (close to Liverpool Street station).
You can book an appointment via our dedicated phone line, secure email, or directly through our online portal, Meddbase.
Using the platform
To access the platform, click the “sign in” button on the client area of our website.
The portal is completely confidential and enables you to book appointments, view GP reports (including any test results, GP letters and prescriptions), and access health screen questionnaires or reports.
For prescriptions, our Prescribing Nurse will raise a prescription through Meddbase. The system will flag if you have an allergy or are taking medication which could have an adverse effect with the prescription.
The prescription is then automatically sent to your chosen pharmacy (we only provide prescriptions in hard copy).
During the pandemic, we have used Pharmacierge to deliver medication straight to your home address. Prescription information is saved on your medical record. This means we can send it to your GP where requested.